It was 14 years ago on November 26 when India witnessed one of the worst terrorist attacks in Mumbai. Today marks the anniversary of the deadliest terrorist attack in India’s history, leaving many people dead and several injured.

On the 14th anniversary of the terror attack, the relatives and the family members of the martyrs remembered them and recalled the horrific memories of the incident. The niece of Mumbai Police constable Jaywant Patil says that she still can’t forget the loss suffered due to the terror attack.

“I lost my uncle Jaywant Patil. Several years have gone by, and we still can't forget it. But the Govt has at least remembered a lot of things, which is a positive note for us,” Divya Patil, niece of Mumbai Police constable Jaywant Patil told ANI.

Speaking to ANI about the memories of the horrific incident that shook Mumbai Divya Salskar, daughter of police officer Vijay Salaskar praised the people of Mumbai and said that the people of the city have given a lot of love & compassion which makes her and her mother live every day.

“I try not to remember it but of course, it is there everywhere. The people of the city have given a lot of love & compassion which makes me and my mother live every day”, Divya Salskar told ANI.

ALSO READ: Mumbai Terror Attacks: Top Leaders Pay Tributes To Victims, Guilty Must Be Brought To Justice, Says Jaishankar

Earlier in the day, NCP MP Supriya Sule paid tribute at the Tukaram Omble memorial in Mumbai on the 14th anniversary of the Mumbai terror attack. Maharashtra Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis also joined the people in paying tribute to the martyrs at Gateway of India and outside the Taj Hotel. 

In 2008, 10 Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists (LeT) carried out 12 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks killing at least 166 people and leaving 300 wounded.