Nagpada Police on Thursday detained and later arrested at least three people after a video went viral on social media showing a man abusing, pushing and assaulted an elderly woman after she reportedly objected to installing a bamboo stick for putting up a Ganeshotsav advertising banner outside her shop without her in Mumbai. According to reports, the three detained - Vinod Argyle, Raju Argyle and Satish Lad - are activists of Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS).
Police have registered a case under sections 323,337,506 504,509 of IPC criminal section 7, news agency ANI reported quoting Mumbai Police.
The incident took place on August 28 (Sunday) and a non-cognisable offence was lodged at Nagpada Police Station. The woman, identified as Parkash Devi was abused and roughed up till she fell down on the footpath reportedly by MNS activists led by one Vinod Argile and others who were apparently irked over her blatant refusal.
While not allowing the MNS activists to install the banner outside her shop, Parkash Devi reportedly asked told them to go and hang it outside Raj Thackeray's home. The MNS activisits even claimed that the woman them outside her medical store.
In the viral video shared by ANI, the woman can be seen engaged into a heated argument with MNS activists and later one of them slapped her, pushed her and again giving her a punch in stomach as she falls on the pavement.
Soon after social media expressed outrage over the incident, MNS issued a statement stating that the party respects woman and it is not supporting what happened. However, MNS leader Keshav Mulay, contended that the video going viral on social media is not complete.
"Viral video depicting Vinod Argyle is not complete. We are not supporting it, MNS respects women but that woman kicked our party's banner and abused our party workers, which is edited out. Vinod Argyle also has temper issues. We have faith in judicial system," Mulay told ANI.
The incident has also sparked a political row in Maharashtra with Shiv Sena and the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) slamming MNS for the 'brutal attack' on an elderly woman.
Former Mumbai Mayor and Shiv Sena leader Kishori Pednekar asked Raj Thackeray to personally intervene and take action against the culprits, news agency IANS reported. Meanwhile, NCP Chief Mahesh Tapase demanded that MNS President Raj Thackeray should clarify his party's stance on dignity and respect to womenfolk.