Mumbai: As Coronavirus cases in the country continue to surge, at least 10 staff of Radha Krishna restaurant in Andheri have tested positive for COVID19.


The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) said that all 10 have been shifted to BKC Jumbo COVID Centre for treatment. BMC also informed that 35 restaurant staff were tested for Covid 19 out of which 10 people tested positive.  The other staff members of the restaurant have also been quarantined to a nearby hotel.

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BMC is sanitising the restaurant premises and has said they will keep the eatery closed for the next 2 days. 

Yesterday, Maharashtra had recorded 8,998 new coronavirus cases, taking the infection tally to 21,88,183, while the death toll reached 52,340 as 60 patients succumbed to the infection. In the wake of the rising cases, Palghar District Collector Manik Gursal ordered the closure of three weekly markets in the district.

The state had reported 9,855 new COVID-19 cases and 42 fatalities on Wednesday.

A total of 6,135 patients were discharged from hospitals in the last 24 hours, which took the overall recovery count to 20,49,484.

The number of active cases is 85,144 at present.

The state's COVID-19 recovery rate is 93.66 per cent, while the fatality rate is 2.39 per cent, the officials said.

With 86,794 tests conducted in the last 24 hours, the state's total test count has risen to 1,65,96,300.