Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL), and his wife Nita Ambani received a fresh death threat from an unknown caller on Wednesday. Zone-2 DCP Nilotpal confirming the threat told ABP Live a call was received on HN Reliance Foundation Hospital landline at around 1 pm today, threatening to blow up the hospital. The caller also issued threats in name of some members of the Ambani family.

"The DB Marg Police are investigating the matter," DCP said.

"At 12.57 pm today and again at 5.04 pm October 5, a call was received at the call centre of Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital threatening to blow up the hospital and threatening to take the lives of Mukesh Ambani, Nita Ambani, Akash Ambani and Anant Ambani. The caller also threatened to blow up Antilia and gave multiple threats to members of the Ambani family," RIL Spokesperson said in a statement. 

"A police complaint has been registered," the spokesperson added, "and we are providing all necessary details to the police in their investigations."

On August 15, a similar call was made to the Reliance Foundation hospital. According to reports, the individual called the hospital's display number eight times, threatening Mukesh Ambani's life. Police had opened an investigation, and a man had been detained in Mumbai's western suburbs in connection with the threatening call.



According to reports, the Ministry of Home Affairs recently upgraded Mukesh Ambani's security to the Z+ category recently. He was previously granted Z category security, which includes pilot and follow-up vehicles with armed commandos who provide him with security whenever he moves anywhere in India.


A Scorpio sedan containing 20 explosive gelatin sticks and a threat letter was discovered outside Mukesh Ambani's Mumbai home 'Antilia' last year.