Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha and Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Sunday said that the suspension of MPs from Parliament was "predetermined and premediated by the Government" after a total of 143 MPs from Opposition parties were suspended from both the Houses during the recently concluded winter session.
In a letter to Dhankhar dated December 24, Kharge said: "You have also mentioned that disorder was deliberate and strategised and predetermined. I would like to submit that if anything, it is the mass suspension of the Opposition MPs from both Houses of Parliament that seems to be predetermined and premediated by the Government and I am most sorry to say, executed without any application of mind, as can be seen by the suspension of an INDIA party MP who was not even present in the Parliament."
"The Chairman is the custodian of the house and should be at the forefront to uphold the dignity of the House, defend Parliamentary privileges, and protect people's right of holding its government accountable through the debates, discussion and reply in Parliament," Kharge said in his letter.
"It would be distressing when history judges the presiding officers harshly for Bills passed without debate and not seeking accountability from the government," he added.
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Kharge wrote the letter in response to a previous letter sent by Dhankhar inviting the Congress president to his residence on December 25 for an interaction on the issue of disruptions in Parliament and the suspension of opposition MPs, saying despite his repeated requests, such a meeting could not happen during the Winter session.
Replying to Dhankhar's invitation, Kharge said he won't be able to meet as he is not in Delhi currently.
In his letter, Dhankhar said that the the disorder in the House was deliberate and part of a strategy. "I do not seek to embarrass you by indicating the predetermined role of the main opposition party in this communication, but will share with you when I have the benefit of interaction with you," he said.