The son of Union Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Narendra Singh Tomar, has filed a complaint in connection with an alleged video of his father discussing money transactions that went viral on social media, news agency ANI reported. A case has been filed against an unknown person in response to the complaint. Devendra Pratap Singh Tomar, the Minister's son, filed an application at the civil line police station in Morena district, alleging that a conspiracy was being devised against him by manipulating the film.

"A viral video has come to my notice in which it is being falsely propagated that I have made transactions worth crores. By editing this fake video, a conspiracy is being hatched against me and a negative impression is being created. Fake video clips are being made viral on various social media platforms with the malicious intention of damaging my public image and reputation," Tomar wrote. 

He also stated that no such sum was received in any of his bank accounts, as well as those of his family or anybody linked with it. It was absolutely manufactured and fake. He further asked that the alleged plot be thoroughly investigated, the perpetrators be identified, and the harshest possible penalty be taken.

On a viral video purportedly showing Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar's son Devendra Tomar talking about transactions worth crores, Congress leader Supriya Shrinate says, "A video is going viral in which Narendra Singh Tomar's son Devendra Singh Tomar seems to be demanding bribe. EC should take cognizance of this matter, watch the video and take immediate action...Deals worth Rs 100 crores and Rs 39 crores are being done by someone... Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar should resign from his post and his son Devendra Tomar should be arrested."

In response to the allegation, the police opened an investigation and filed a case against an unknown person.

Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP, Morena) Arvind Thakur said: "An alleged video of a video call of Devendra Pratap Singh Tomar, son of Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar, has gone viral on social media in which there was a discussion about money transaction. It is said that this alleged video was made to defame the complainant. An FIR has been registered against an unknown person and investigation into the matter is going on."

Meanwhile, after the video became viral on social media, Piyush Babele, media advisor of Madhya Pradesh Congress and former Chief Minister Kamal Nath, uploaded the purported video on X, requesting that the ED, CBI, and Income Tax Department investigate the validity of the viral video.

"Dear ED, CBI, Income Tax, this video is going viral. Please check its authenticity. In this video, BJP candidate and Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar's son Devendra Tomar seems to be discussing transactions worth crores of rupees. Please investigate and clarify whether it is a matter of black money or white money in between the model code code of conduct." 

Meanwhile, Union Minister Prahlad Singh Patel stated: “The Congress has realised that it is going to lose the (MP Assembly) elections which is why they have turned to doing such babbling."

Notably, Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar is running for the Dimani assembly seat in the area in the next state assembly elections, which are set to take place this month. Madhya Pradesh is one of five states that will vote in a single phase on November 17, with results announced on December 3. Voters will select representatives from among the 230 Assembly constituencies.