New Delhi: In a controversial move, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has allowed three former CMs from own party BJP- Uma Bharti, Kailash Chandra Joshi and Babulal Gaur to retain their government bungalows using his ‘discretionary powers’.

The move has sparked a row after former CMs from Congress party including Digvijaya Singh were asked to vacate their bungalows in compliance with court ruling.

Following High Court order MP government had cancelled the allocation of bungalows to former CMs of the state.

Earlier Kailash Joshi, Uma Bharti, Digvijaya Singh and Babulal Gaur were asked to vacate their bungalows.

The order came after Jabalpur High court had directed the Shivraj government to get former Chief Minister Bungalows emptied in one month’s time. The court had stated the lifetime provision of giving government houses and services to former CMs as ‘unconstitutional’.

The court order came after a petition was filed in the court which stated that state’s former Chief Minister’s have been ‘unlawfully residing in government houses’.