Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav allocated ministries on Saturday, preserving the home ministry for himself but handing the finance ministry to deputy CM Jagdish Devda and the public health ministry to another deputy CM Rajendra Shukla. The state cabinet currently has 31 members, including the chief minister. Madhya Pradesh's cabinet can include up to 35 ministers.
Taking to X, CM Yadav stated: "Hearty congratulations and best wishes to all the honorable ministerial colleagues of the Council of Ministers on getting the responsibility of the departments. I have full faith that by discharging your responsibilities sincerely, you all will fulfill the resolve of Golden Madhya Pradesh. Under the leadership and guidance of respected Prime Minister Narendra Modi, we will all give new impetus to the progress of our state and fulfill every guarantee of development and public welfare."
Yadav, who took over as chief minister after the BJP retained power in the assembly elections last month, also retained the General Administration Department (GAD), Public Relations, Jails, Mining, Aviation, Industrial Policies, and Investment Promotion, as well as all other departments not specifically assigned to any minister, according to a gazette notification issued by the GAD.
Along with Finance, Deputy CM Devda was assigned the Commercial Tax department. Devda also served as finance minister in the Chouhan administration.
Rajendra Shukla, the other deputy CM, was given responsibility for Public Health and Medical Education.
Former Union Minister Prahlad Patel has been assigned Panchayat and Rural Development, while veteran BJP politician Kailash Vijayvargiya has been assigned Urban Development and Housing, as well as Parliamentary Affairs.
Vijay Shah, a senior MLA, would be in charge of the Tribal Affairs and Bhopal Gas Tragedy ministries. Rakesh Singh, a former MP from Jabalpur, will oversee the Public Works Department, while Rao Udai Pratap Singh, another former legislator, will oversee Transportation and School Education.
Sampatiya Uikey received Public Health Engineering (PHE); Karan Singh Verma received Revenue; Tulsiram Silawat received Water Resources; Aidal Singh Kansana received Farmers Welfare and Agricultural Development; Nirmala Bhura received Women and Child Development; Govind Rajput received Food and Civil Supplies; Vishwas Sarang received Sports, Youth Affairs, and Cooperatives; Narayan Singh Kushwaha received Social Justice, Horticulture, and Food Processing; Nagar Singh Chouhan Forest, Environment and SC Welfare; Pradyuman Singh Tomar Energy; Rakesh Shukla Renewable Energy; Chaitanya Kashyap Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Inder Singh Parmar Higher Education and Technical Education.