New Delhi: Election strategist and vice-president of Janata Dal (United) on Wednesday welcomed Priyanka Gandhi’s stepping up to the altar and deciding to pursue full-time active politics. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra was on Wednesday appointed Congress general secretary for Uttar Pradesh East. The move is being viewed as a masterstroke by the party ahead of the crucial Lok Sabha elections.

Kishor, who recently joined the JDU had earlier devised the election strategy for the Congress and Samajwadi Party in Uttar Pradesh for 2017 assembly polls.

“One of the most awaited entries in Indian politics is finally here! While people may debate the timing, exact role and position, to me, the real news is that she finally decided to take the plunge! Congratulations and best wishes to Priyanka Gandhi,” Kishor tweeted.

Kishor has been pressing on Priyanka's entry as a "formal and full-time" Congress functionary. He always believed Priyanka should step out as lead act of the Congress’ revival effort in Uttar Pradesh, the most keenly watched political space at the moment. But it was uphill getting her to agree.

Priyanka Gandhi, who is currently out of the country, will assist her brother and Congress president Rahul Gandhi in the Hindi heartland state. She turned 47 on January 12.

Congress president Rahul Gandhi Wednesday said he was "very happy" that Priyanka will assist him in the approaching general polls. "I am very happy that my sister Priyanka will assist me in Uttar Pradesh in the Lok Sabha polls, she is very capable," Rahul said.