New Delhi: "In the population of 1.25 crore, if 50 lakh people are educated in disaster management, then no government can fully cope with the disaster in the country," said Union Minister of State for Home (MoS), Hansraj Gangaram Ahir.
Inaugurating the Disaster Managment Training Civic (in collaboration with NDRF) Ahir said, in the country, the NGOs and social welfare associations will continuously raise awareness by organising training camps.
Ahir also praised the awareness campaign being carried out across the country on disaster management by Naveen Kumar of Global Indian Foundation.
Kumar stressed that there is a need to train the masses so that they are better prepared.
On this occasion, K.K. Sharma, Director General, Border Security Force (BSF) also gave a power point presentation, showing how the BSF has successfully fought against flood and other disasters in the states of Jammu and Kashmir, Bihar last year.
Ravi Joseph, NDRF's General Inspector, stressed the need for the awareness campaign on a wide scale.