New Delhi: Twelve relatives of Bharatiya Janata Party MP Mohan Kundariya lost their lives in the tragic Morbi bridge collapse, sources told ABP News. Among the deceased were Kundariya's sister, members of her in-law's family which included children as well. A total of 132 people have been dead so far in the incident and search and rescue operation is underway.

Gujarat Home Minister Harsh Sanghavi in a media breifing earlier this morning said that a case had been registered against the agency which was tasked with operation of the bridge. The minister said that the rescue teams were looking for two persons who are believed to be missing, reported news agency PTI. 

“The rescue operation is in its last stage in the Machchhu river. It will be over soon,” the minister told reporters.

According to the report, The state information department said that five teams of NDRF, six platoons of SDRF, a team of Air Force, two columns of Army, and two teams of Indian Navy apart from local rescue teams were involved in the operation that continued through the night.

On Sunday evening, a century-old suspension bridge over Machchu river in Morbi city of Gujarat which had reopened five days ago after extensive repairs and renovation, was crammed with people when it collapsed around 6.30 pm. 

During the media briefing earlier today, Sanghavi told reporters  that a high power committee has been constituted by Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel. An FIR was lodged in the bridge collapse under sections 304 (culpable homicide not amounting to murder), 308 (intentional act causing death) and 114 (abettor present when offence committed), against whoever is found responsible, he said.

Eyewitnesses said there were several women and children on the British era “hanging bridge” when it snapped, plunging them into the water below.

Some people were seen jumping on the bridge and pulling its big wires, an eyewitness said, adding the bridge may have collapsed due to the “huge crowd” on it.