New Delhi: In a response to a question during the ongoing Monsoon session in the Rajya Sabha, the Central Government for the first time informed admitting that 97 people were reported dead till September 9 while travelling on board the Shramik Special Trains deployed to ferry migrant workers during the COVID-19 lockdown period.
ALSO READ | Monsoon Session 2020: Centre Says No Data Available On Migrant Deaths & Job Losses During Lockdown, 'No Compensation Can Be Given'
Answering to a question raised by Trinamool Congress MP Derek O’Brien in the Rajya Sabha on Friday, Union Railways minister Piyush Goyal informed the details of total deaths that occurred on-board the Shramik Special trains since they started operating.
"Based on the data provided by State Police, 97 persons have been reported dead till 09.09.2020 while travelling on board Shramik Special Trains during current Covid-19 situation/crisis," the union minister said, as quoted by news agency PTI.
Briefing further on this, the minister said that the state police registers case under Section 174 of Cr.PC in cases of unnatural deaths, followed by further legal process.
Goyal informed the Rajya Sabha that the state police sent 87 of the total 97 dead bodies for post mortem. The reasons for death shown in the post mortem reports in about 51 cases appears to be cardiac arrest, heart disease, brain hemorrhage, pre-existing chronic disease, chronic lung disease, chronic liver disease etc.
Earlier this week, the central government came under heavy criticism after stating that there are no data available on the number of migrant workers who lost their jobs or died during the 68-day nationwide lockdown restrictions imposed since March 25 to curb the spread of the Coronavirus.
The Union Ministry of Labour and Employment also said that the government has not maintained a state-wise break-up of free ration that was distributed to migrant workers during the nationwide-lockdown.
Amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the much-awaited Monsoon Session of the Parliament began on Monday morning following strict COVID-19 preventive measures. There will be 36 Parliamentary sittings, 18 each for both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, in the Monsoon Session which will continue till October 1.
Monsoon Session: '97 Migrants Died Onboard Shramik Special Trains,' Centre Makes First Such Admission
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
19 Sep 2020 04:35 PM (IST)
The reasons for death shown in the post mortem reports in about 51 cases appears to be cardiac arrest, heart disease, brain hemorrhage, pre-existing chronic disease, chronic lung disease, chronic liver disease etc.
(Image: PTI)
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