Earlier in the morning, areas such as Andheri and Santacruz received some precipitation. "We are observing the cloud pattern so that we can predict the possible downpour. The forecast for the next four days, till June 29 is of widespread rainfall in Goa and Konkan including Mumbai," the official said.
Watch | Monsoon finally hits Mumbai and South Gujarat
The Madhya Maharashtra region would receive some showers while other areas may have some dry days ahead, he said. Marathwada and Vidarbha regions share similar forecast of scattered showers till June 29 which also means that the farming community as well as drinking water supply schemes in this region would have to wait longer to get sufficient rains to meet their needs.
As per the state government, more than 6,000 tankers are supplying drinking water in various villages and hamlets. The monsoon, which generally arrives in Mumbai on June 10 every year, is behind schedule by more than two weeks, which is the longest such delay in the last ten years, IMD had said.