Amidst the flash floods and landslides triggered by heavy rainfall in parts of Himachal Pradesh, hundreds of commuters were stranded near Aut in state's Mandi district as the Chandigarh-Manali highway was blocked, officials said on Monday, as reported by the news agency PTI. Flash floods were witnessed in Khotinallah near Aut on the Pandoh–Kullu stretch due to a heavy downpour and the commuters have been stranded since Sunday evening. Officials of the Mandi administration said restoration work is underway and explosives are being used to blast heavy boulders blocking roads on the stretch.
Here Are Top Updates:
- National Highway-21, which connects Chandigarh with Manali, is expected to reopen for traffic in seven-eight hours, they said. The commuters have been advised not to move towards Mandi until the road is opened, they added.
- Moderate to heavy rains have also lashed several parts of Kangra, Mandi and Sirmaur districts. Dharamshala in Kangra was the wettest with 106.6 mm of rain followed by Kataula 74.5 mm, Gohar 67 mm, Mandi 56.4 mm, Poanta Sahib 43 mm and Palampur 32.2 mm.
- The local MeT office has issued an alert for heavy rain, thunderstorm and lightning at isolated places on June 27 and 28 and thunderstorms coupled with lightning from June 27-29.
- Heavy traffic jam was caused by a landslide on the Chandigarh-Manali highway near 7 Mile. In Mohal, Kullu several vehicles were damaged and washed away last night, as reported by the news agency ANI. The Mandi-Kullu National highway was blocked after incessant rain, the Mandi district police said in a public notice on Sunday.
- Onkar Chand Sharma, Principal Secretary, Disaster Management, Himachal Pradesh has said that due to heavy rain at several locations in the state, six people have died till now, and around 10 people are injured. Sharma said that at least 303 animals have died and the loss due to rain is expected to be Rs 3 crore. However, the complete report is still awaited. He also said that 124 roads have been damaged which includes two national highways.
- According to the official statement, the highway will likely be opened today. People stuck on either side are advised to turn back and make necessary arrangements to stay for the night in nearby towns, as reported by ANI.
- The Indian Meteorological Department, on Sunday, issued a weather warning for Himachal Pradesh for the next five days. "Heavy rainfall, thunderstorm & lightning are likely at isolated places over plains, and low and mid hills on June 25 & 26. Flash floods are likely to occur in the districts of Kangra, Mandi and Solan; Traffic congestion, poor visibility, and disruption in electric supply", said the weather department, as quoted by ANI.
- The IMD advised farmers to make adequate arrangements to avoid the consequences of rain and said that damage may occur to standing crops, fruit plants, and young seedlings. The water level in the Beas River flowing through Mandi has increased due to continuous rains in the hilly areas. In the last 24 hours, Mandi received 64.4 mm of rainfall. Other parts of the state also witnessed massive damage due to the rains. The capital, Shimla reported a cloudburst amid the intensive rain.
- Flash floods triggered by a cloudburst in Solan and Hamirpur districts and heavy rain in Shimla, Mandi, and Kullu on Sunday killed two people, damaged crops, homes, and vehicles, and washed away livestock.
- According to the State Emergency Operation Centre on Sunday, one person drowned in Hamirpur and Shimla districts each. The rain also damaged 11 houses and vehicles each as well as four cowsheds. The state suffered estimated losses of Rs 78 lakh in the past 24 hours, it said. Three houses were damaged in Lahaul and Spiti, five in Hamirpur, two in Solan, and one in Mandi. Eight vehicles were damaged in Kullu, two in Lahaul and Spiti, and one in Sirmaur.
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