New Delhi: Modi government made the impossible possible in the last few years said BJP leader Jitendra Singh on ABP’s News's e-Shikhar Sammelan on Friday. He said that the current government had the courage to take tough decisions that were taken before. According to him, several steps taken by the government in the last few years is what is making India successful in battling coronavirus today.

“This government has taken tough decisions that were never taken before. Today's success in dealing with coronavirus is a cumulative outcome of the decisions that were taken in the last five years and nine months, be it Swachh Abhiyan, focus on Ayush and Yoga,” said Singh.

He added that 'consistency, perseverance, and out of box thinking' are the hallmark of this government.

"This government and it had the courage to do all the things that no one could do before,” said Singh during the conference.

He also said that while there have been criticisms from the oppositions in most cases their opinions hold no strength as they are not saying what they really want to. He said even cases which were considered controversial such as CAA and NRC people have understood the importance of these changes and have come to accept it.

“Do you think if the opposition comes back to power, they will reinstate Article 370? They never had the courage to take these decisions in their time,” said Singh.

Singh also highlighted that post- COVID period in India will be a time of opportunities.

“I feel that it is an opportunity in the face of adversity in India. Let's take an example of tourism especially in the North East, I feel that even tourists from Europe will rush to these areas because it has remained corona free for so long," said Singh highlighting the importance of post-covid period for India.