PM Modi was in Uttar Pradesh yesterday to address a rally in Shahjahanpur. Appearing to be in a relaxed mood after a hectic week, Prime Minister on Sunday replied to the Twitter users who tweeted using hashtag #PMInShahjahanpur. In a series of Twitter replies, he responded to the people.
To another Twitter user who applauded Modi for addressing the farmers in Shahjahanpur a day after the marathon Lok Sabha session that ran till late Friday night, PM replied that the blessings of 125 crore Indians give him the strength to do. The user wrote, "#PMInShahjahanpur
Oh..I saw our PM @narendramodi in parliament on Marathon discussion which went on till late night yesterday. Today, I switched on TV being weekend very late at around 12 Noon..could see him addressing farmers in Shajahanpur, UP. Tireless even at 60-70s..Whav!!"
Another Twitter user shared his daughter's essay on Swachh Bharat that she wrote for her school magazine. In yet another heart-warming gesture, PM appreciated the effort by the little girl and congratulated her father. He further said, "Amazing to see such high levels of awareness and passion among our youngsters for Swachhata."
Another message from Shobha Shetty with the hashtag "#IndiaTrustsModi" congratulating PM for his speech in Lok Sabha on Friday and for calling him "karma yogi". PM Modi wrote back, "Thank you for the kind words".
This came two days after PM Modi-led NDA government won trust vote in the Lok Sabha with an overwhelming majority of 325 votes in favour of the government out of 451 votes.