New Delhi: The handing over of pilot Abhinandan Varthaman to India at Wagah by Pakistani authorities was delayed because he was being forced to record a video statement before his release, sources said.

As per sources, the main reason behind the stalling of the release was not procedural delays but a “propaganda video” which the IAF pilot was apparently made to record under duress.

The video, however, had at least 40 cuts, which prove that the video has been meticulously edited by Pakistani authorities.

The Pakistani government released the video on social media before release of Varthaman , as a part of its propaganda.

In the video IAF pilot was made to give positive statements about Pakistani army.

Previously too, Pakistani government released videos of the IAF brave heart, while he was in their captivity to propagate their agenda.

With this, Pakistan may also have breached a rule of Geneva convention, which states that  prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity . By releasing the video Pakistan may have breached this rule of the convention.

Varthaman’s plane crashed when IAF planes foiled an attempt by Pakistan Air Force to target Indian military installations in Jammu  and  Kashmir on February 27,just  a day after New Delhi had conducted counter-terror operations in Pakistan's Balakot.

Varthaman ejected from the aircraft but landed in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir,where he was detained by the Pakistani Army.

Pakistani media has reported that checking of papers of the IAF pilot caused the delay.

Varthaman was handed over to India at around 9: 20 pm on Friday, after a daylong wait.

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