Summer is in full swing across the country, if not the world. During the hot summer months, record-high temperatures, searing heat, dry winds, and increased dehydration are all common. To avoid health problems and to stay fit and healthy during this time, governments declare a 'heatwave' and advise citizens to take precautions. The Government of India's Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recently took to Twitter to share some tips for avoiding heat-related illnesses.

We are all aware that staying hydrated and consuming plenty of fluids is essential during the summer months. This is done to keep the body's water levels stable and to avoid illness during heatwave conditions. There are, however, some food practises and guidelines that can be followed during the heatwave. The Ministry of Health took to Twitter with the hashtag 'Beat The Heat' to share these precautions. "Food-related precautions to stay protected against heat-related illnesses," they wrote in the header text.

Stay Cool and Hydrated: Health Ministry, GOI Shares Essential Food Guidelines To Beat The Heatwave

Ventilate The Cooking Area: According to the Ministry, the kitchen should be properly ventilated at all times. When cooking in hot weather, it is critical to open doors and windows so that the air circulates properly and does not cause suffocation.

Avoid Cooking During Peak Summer Hours: It is best not to cook during peak summer hours, according to the guidelines. This is due to the sun's maximum potential, which is already causing temperatures to rise. To avoid illnesses, avoid cooking in the afternoon or mid-morning.

Avoid Eating Stale Food: The Ministry also advised being cautious when deciding what to eat. Stale food is a no-no, and high-protein foods are also best avoided during the heatwave.

Avoid Alcohol, Soft Drinks, Caffeine: While staying hydrated is important in the summer, the post suggests avoiding alcohol, tea, and coffee during a heatwave. This is due to the fact that these beverages cause the body to lose more fluid, which is not ideal during the summer months. Carbonated soft drinks should be avoided as well.