Uttar Pradesh: 12-year-old Satyam Yadav from Gorakhpur calls himself as Yogi Adityanath’s right hand. He also claims to be newly elected Chief Minister’s biggest fan.

Satyam became a fan of Yogi about two years ago after he visited his Asram with a query. When Satyam was 10-year-old, his mother gave him a 100 rupee note and asked him to go and purchase a pair of slippers for himself. But, the little boy without caring of the fact that he doesn’t have a pair of footwear which a basic necessity, bought a badminton racket with that amount.

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On reaching home Satyam’s mother scolded him and asked him to exchange the racket for slippers. But, the shopkeeper didn’t agree for the same. Post which disappointed little boy reached out for Adityanath’s Ashram after someone suggested him to.

While speaking to ABP News Satyam said, “ On reaching Yogi ji’s Ashram, I explained him my story and he told me to take a hundred rupee note from him instead post which I could have both slippers an also play badminton”.

This made Satyam a serious fan of Adityanath Yogi.