New Delhi: In a tragic incident, an air ambulance of the Medanta hospital crash landed near Bangkok on Tuesday after it catching fire.  The accident was reported by External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj in a series of tweets.

  • MEA Sushma Swaraj informed the incident saying it resulted in the ‘death of its pilot and injuries to four crew members’

  • The injured were shifted to Bangkok hospital by army helicopters

  • Medanta hospital CMD Dr Naresh Trehan has now come forward and spoken about the incident. He said that he is grieved by the incident and is ensuring proper treatment to their injured crew. He also said that "he is receiving a lot of help from Ministry of External Affairs"

  • A female pilot Arunaksha Nandy lost her life in the crash

  • Two doctors Dr.Shailendra and Dr.Komal have sustained major injuries and are in the ICU

In a series of tweets, Swaraj said, "The Air Ambulance of Medanta Hospital with five member crew caught fire and crashlanded near Bangkok. The injured were shifted to Bangkok Hospital by Army helicopters.

"Our Mission has just informed me that we have lost pilot of the Air Ambulance Arunaksha Nandy. Dr Shailendra and Dr Komal are in the ICU. The other two have sustained minor injuries.