New Delhi: Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) supremo and former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Sunday revoked the rumours surrounding that her party will merge with any other party for the polls. Mayawati on Sunday said that BSP will agree to have an alliance for any election with other parties only if they get a "respectable share of seats", otherwise, her party will contest alone. " We will agree to alliance anywhere & in any election only when we get a respectable share of seats, otherwise BSP will contest alone," BSP chief said in a press conference in Lucknow.

Further, she also took a dig at the ruling government and attacked the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) over Rafale deal and stated that the BJP did a scam. She said that the party at the Centre and in the states are trying to hide their failures by diversionary tactics and are now trying to use Atal ji’s name for political gains. The ex-UP CM said, "BJP governments, in states and at the Centre, are trying to hide their failures by diversionary tactics. They have not fulfilled their election promises. They are trying to use Atal ji's death for political gains."

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While commenting on the Bhim Army chief, Chandrashekhar referring to her as 'Buaji' (Aunt), Mayawati said that she has no relation with such people. "I have no relation with such people. I am only related to the common man, dalits, adivasis & people from backward castes," Mayawati said.