A day after the Eknath Shinde Cabinet in Maharashtra accepted the Justice (retd) Sandeep Shinde-led panel on Maratha reservation, the first Kunbi caste certificate was issued in the state's Dharashiv district.

Chief Minister Eknath Shinde Chaired a meeting in Mumbai on Tuesday where the Cabinet decided that the OBC Commission would collect new data to get an idea of the latest situation around the educational and social status of the Maratha community. The new data will help frame reservation policies better and make provisions for the community.

Protests related to the demand sparked several violent incidents across the state. The decision was taken to pacify the Maratha community following violent reservation protests.

What The Latest Move Means

The issuance of the certificates means that the long-standing demand of the Maratha community is being fulfilled now and this would make them eligible for reservation benefits under the OBC category. However, the reservation cap is yet to be decided for the community and the issuance of the certificate is merely the first step in this direction. The certificates are being issued to the descendants of those recorded as part of the Kunbi sub-caste during the pre-independence Nizam era to enable them to get quota under the OBC category.

Marathas comprise about 33% of the state’s population

This issuance of the first certificate comes amid a demonstration led by activist Manoj Jarange. He was on an indefinite fast to demand quota rights for the Maratha community. Jarange began a hunger strike in September this year and gave an ultimatum of 40 days till October 24 to the Shinde government to accede to the quota demand.

On Wednesday, however, Jarange said that the Maratha community won't accept an "incomplete reservation" policy. He also said that the Eknath Shinde government should summon a special session of the state legislature to discuss the issue. Threatening to quit drinking water, Jarange warned the administration not to "trouble the peacefully demonstrating Maratha youngsters", or else a "severe response" will be delivered.

The Sandeep Shinde panel was earlier constituted to devise a procedure to grant Kunbi caste certificates specifically to Marathas living in the Marathwada region. The region comprises Beed, Aurangabad, Hingoli, Nanded, Jalna, Parbhani, Latur, and Osmanabad districts in south-east Maharashtra.

'Marathas Should Observe Restraint'

CM Eknath Shinde, who presided over an all-party meeting on the Maratha quota stir on Wednesday, said: "All parties present in the all-party meeting today were of the view to provide reservation to the Maratha community... Marathas should observe restraint. The government needs time for legal modalities to implement quota."

The government is yet to decide on the reservation criteria and cap for the Maratha community.