New Delhi: BJP Leader Manoj Tiwari who traveled from Delhi to Sonipat in Haryana, to attend ‘personal’ work and was seen flouting all the precautions for coronavirus while playing a cricket match at a local stadium. According to reports, the president of the BJP’s Delhi wing was seen playing cricket without any masks or attention to social distancing norms in Sheikhpura Unique Cricket Stadium, Gannaur, Sonipat where players were engaged in practice sessions. Although the organiser of the match has said that players went through proper sanitisation and were also maintaining physical distance, in the videos Tiwari was clearly seen without any masks or face shields.
Later on the leader was seen in close proximity to a small crowd as he entertained them by singing his famous Bhojpuri song ‘Rinkiya ke Papa’.

He also tweeted about his rendezvous which was in clear violation of lockdown rules and wrote in Hindi that he wishes everyone is given sporting spirit by God and that this will also help in boosting the immunity.

India is currently in its fourth phase of a lockdown or Lockdown 4.0 which is different from the previous three because of greater relaxations. The country has started both domestic and train travel. But despite this, wearing face masks and following social distancing norms is still mandatory. At present Haryana has a total of 1184 coronavirus cases. Over 16 deaths were caused due to the infection.

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