Mann Ki Baat: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed his monthly radio show on Sunday in which he lauded the successful launch of the Chandrayaan-2 mission, a thoroughly Indian mission in heart and spirit and said he hoped it will inspire the country's youth towards science and innovation. In his monthly radio address, he also stressed on water conservation, and highlighted how conservation efforts being undertaken in various parts of the country. Here's all that PM Modi said today:

Chandrayaan-2 launch

• "On July 22, entire world witnessed with pride, who Chandrayaan2 surged towards outer space from Sriharikota. Pictures of the Chandrayaan – 2 launch filled the countrymen with pride and joy," PM Modi said.

• "My dear countrymen, I strongly believe that you would have felt immensely proud on India's achievement beyond the skies in outer space. The successful launch by our scientists despite the early setback is unprecedented," PM Modi said.

• "Chandrayaan-2 is Indian to the core. It is purely Indian in heart and spirit. It is a totally swadeshi and home grown mission. The second important lesson is - never lose hope in face of stumbling blocks or obstacles," he said.

• "I am confident that Chandrayaan2 will inspire our youth towards scientific innovations. Now we eagerly await September when Lander Vikram and Rover Pragyan will land on Moon’s surface," he said.

Water conservation

• "It seems that the issue of water conservation was close to people’s heart even before I touched in my `MannKiBaat’. New Initiatives are being undertaken towards water conservation throughout the country," PM said.

• The PM also spoke about Meghalaya formulating it own water policy and congratulated the state government. "Meghalaya has become the first state to have formulated its own water-policy. I congratulate Meghalaya government. In Haryana, crops that require meager water are being encouraged. Farmers thus are saved from suffering losses," PM Modi said.

• "Goverments, NGOs have also started campaigns on war footing. The initiative shown by people of Keram Village near Ranchi is exemplary. People through collective effort, diverted a waterfall through local techniques," he said.


• "MannKiBaat has given impetus to cleanliness. Similarly, efforts made towards cleanliness have always inspired Mann Ki Baat. A journey that begun 5 years ago is touching new milestones with public involvement," PM said.

• "My dear countrymen, you must have observed one thing. Our MannKiBaat has lent pace to #CleanlinessCampaign from time to time. This movement now advanced from cleanliness towards beautification. I came to know that Yogesh Saini,his team played stellar role in Kumbh2019," PM said.

• "The way cleanliness has become a success from ODF to public places, it shows resolve of 130 crore countrymen, but we are not going to stop here," PM Modi said.

Monsoon season and Amarnath Yatra

• PM assured support to those suffering due to floods. He also highlighted record participation in the Amarnath Yatra, visits to Kedarnath and praises local citizens for their hospitality.

• "While we are talking of the monsoon season, you will be glad to learn that the number of pilgrims in Amarnath Yatra this year were four times greater than the past four years," he said.

• "Since 1st July till date, over 3 lakh devotees have visited sacred Amarnath shrine. This year in just 28 days, more devotees have undertaken Amarnath yatra, than in 2015 during full period of 60 days," he said.

'Back-to-villages' programme 

• The people of Jammu and Kashmir are eager to join the mainstream development underway in other parts of the country, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said.

• Modi was referring to a 'back-to-villages' government programme that had been undertaken in the Kashmir Valley. Jammu and Kashmir is under President's rule at present.

• Addressing the nation through his monthly radio programme Mann Ki Baat, the Prime Minister said the programme was undertaken across 4,500 panchayats of the state in which government officials had to trek long distances to reach each and every village in the valley

Space quiz competition for youngsters

During his radio address, PM Modi invited youngsters for a quiz competition. "Space sector, India's space missions and technology will be the main topics of the quiz. On August 1, details of the competition will be put out on the MyGov website," said PM Modi.

"Students who secure the highest marks in their state would be taken to Sriharikota in September to witness Chandrayaan landing on the surface of the Moon," says Modi.