The remains of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh were brought to the Gurdwara Majnu Ka Tilla by his family were performed rituals at the Gurudwara including Shabad Kirtan (musical recitation of the Guru Granth Sahib), Paath (recitation of Gurbani) and Ardas. Manmohan Singh's wife Gursharan Kaur was present at the Gurudwara for the final rituals.
Following this, 'Asthi Visarjan' of the former Prime Minister was performed, and his ashes were immersed at Yamuna Ghat near Gurdwara Majnu Ka Tilla, where his family and loved ones gathered to say a final farewell. Rajya Sabha MP Vikramjit Singh Sahney told ANI that after the ashes of the former PM were immersed in Yamuna, the family members will come to Gurudwara for Ardas (prayers).
"Today, the ashes of former PM Manmohan Singh will be immersed in Yamuna. Prior to that, his ashes will be kept here (Gurdwara Majnu Ka Tilla) - Shabad Kirtan, Paath and Ardas will be performed... After the immersion of his ashes in the Yamuna, his family members will come to Gurdwara for Ardas," Sahney told ANI.
His late rites were performed with full state honours, the security forces gave a salute of three volleys of small arms and the buglers sounded the "Last Post" as a mark of honour for the former prime minister. Singh's funeral pyre was lit by his eldest daughter, Upinder Singh, at the Nigambodh Ghat with family members, friends and dignitaries standing close by. President Droupadi Murmu, the supreme commander of the armed forces, led the nation in paying last respects to the departed leader.
Priests and family members recited religious hymns from the holy Gurbani, while chants of "Satnam Waheguru" filled the air, as Singh was cremated according to Sikh rituals.
The former prime minister died at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi due to age-related complications on Thursday night. He was 92.
On Saturday, Singh's body, placed in a flower-bedecked casket and carriage, was taken from his 3, Motilal Nehru residence in Lutyens' Delhi to the headquarters of the Congress party, which he represented in Parliament for 33 long years. At the party office, Kharge, Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra paid rich tributes to their leader, as did thousands of Congress workers who had gathered to catch a last glimpse of Singh.
King of Bhutan Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and the foreign minister of Mauritius, Dhananjay Ramful, were among the foreign dignitaries who paid tributes to Singh, who served as the prime minister from 2004 to 2014.