West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday accused the Centre of using the Border Security Force to facilitate Bangladeshi infiltration into West Bengal. She said this was the Centre's "blueprint" to destabilise the state.
Mamata Banerjee said, "Goons are being sent across the border. They are infiltrating India to commit murders and return safely. We want peace to prevail there as well as here... This [infiltration] is the internal work of the BSF and the central government has a blueprint for this. If there was no blueprint of the central government then this would not have happened..."
Mamata Banerjee had earlier evinced interest to lead the Opposition front, INDIA.
'Illegal Occupants Of Government Land Must Face Action'
CM Mamata acknowledged that various government plots have been encroached upon in Bengal. "There are encroachments... If there is any new encroachment, the SP and ICs of police stations as well as the District Magistrates will have to face action... All departments must formulate a policy for those who have been illegally occupying land since the Left Front regime," she said.
She said that most of the illegally occupied plots have been sold to unsuspecting people. "The officers must catch them even if they have fled to other states and officials involved in such illegal transactions must face action," she said. She also said the properties of the perpetrators must be seized.