London: Looking at the worsening situation between India and Pakistan post Narendra Modi-led government's decision to abrogate Article 370 which accorded special status to Jammu and Kashmir, Noble laureate and Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai has called for peace in the Valley. The 22 year peace activist appealed for the peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue, saying "we can all live in peace" and there is no need to "hurt each other".

"The people of Kashmir have lived in conflict since I was a child, since my mother and father were children, since my grandparents were young," the youngest ever Nobel Laureate tweeted. Malala, 22, said that she cared about Kashmir since "South Asia is my home, a home I share with 1.8 billion people including Kashmiris".

Expressing concern over the safety of the people of Kashmir, especially women and children, Malala said, "I am worried about the safety of the Kashmiri children and women, the most vulnerable to violence and the most likely to suffer losses in conflict." The region represented different cultures, religions, languages, cuisines and customs, she said and expressed hope that "we can all live in peace".

"There is no need for us to continue to suffer and hurt each other," she said. Malala further said that she was worried mostly about the women and children in Kashmir, since they are the "most vulnerable to violence and most likely to suffer losses in conflict".

She called on all South Asians, the international community and authorities to respond to their suffering. "I hope all South Asians, the international community and concerned authorities respond to their suffering. Whatever disagreements we may have, we must always defend human rights, prioritise the safety of children and women and focus on peacefully resolving the seven-decade-old conflict in Kashmir," she said.

The Indian Government, earlier this week, announced the move to revoke Article 370 for Jammu and Kashmir and also announced bifurcated the state into two Union Territories -- Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh. The move by the government gives full applicability of the Indian Constitution in Jammu and Kashmir.

Soon after the decision was implemented by the Indian Government, neighbouring Pakistan took several major steps to cease the bilateral ties between the two countries. Imran Khan-led Pakistan government has announced that it will be downgrading diplomatic relations with India and has also called for the review of bilateral arrangements. Islamabad also announced that its airspace would be partially closed to India, for a month.