New Delhi: In a major reshuffle in Uttar Pradesh Congress, the party appointed Ajay Kumar Lallu as its state unit President replacing Raj Babbar, on Monday.

Lallu was appointed as the president of Uttar Pradesh Congress committee, advisory council to the General Secretary and Working Group on Strategy and Planning also appointed.

Aradhana Misra 'Mona' was appointed as the leader of Uttar Pradesh Congress Legislative Party.

The reshuffle is being viewed as party’s move for the 2022 Assembly elections.

Lallu is a two-time MLA from the Tamkuhi Raj constituency in Kushinagar.

He was earlier the leader of Congress Legislative Party in the state. He will be replaced as CLP leader Aradhana Misra, who is an MLA from Rampur.

As part of the revamp, the Congress will also get a new 45-member state executive body.

Raj Babbar had offered to resign in May 2019, taking moral responsibility of party’s debacle in the state in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections.

It is said that Lallu was the pick of Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra , who chose him based on his work done on the ground.