Mumbai: Hours after Maharashtra minister announced a five-level unlock plan for the state starting tomorrow, Uddhav Thackeray-led government on Thursday evening took a U-turn clarifying that the ongoing lockdown-like restrictions imposed due to second wave of Covid-19 have not been lifted anywhere in the state.

In an official statement, Maharashtra CMO said that relaxation of restrictions as per the situation in different areas is only 'under consideration' and 'no decision has been taken' yet. 

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"The coronavirus spread is serious in some rural areas....The curbs have not been completely lifted in the state," the statement from CMO said.

The clarification from Udhhav Thackeray's office came hours after state minister Vijay Wadettiwa, earlier in the day, announced that restrictions will be lifted from June 4 in 18 out of 36 districts of Maharashtra.

Wadettiwa had said that curbs will be lifted in Maharashtra districts where the Covid positivity rate is 5 per cent or less and the occupancy of oxygen beds in hospitals is less than 25 per cent. 

However, issuing a clarification on his earlier statement, the minister for Disaster Management, said, "in principle approval was given to phased lifting of lockdown curbs on the basis of positivity rate and availability of oxygen beds", but no final decision was taken.

CMO also stressed that degree of relaxation will be decided as per the level of severity and guidelines on whether to relax the curbs or further strengthen them will be announced in the days to come. 

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As a whole, Maharashtra citizens must note that there would be no relaxations in the state from tomorrow and curbs will continue to be in effect till further announcement. Citizens are adviced to remain indoors and move out only when necessary, following the SOPs imposed by authorities in your areas.

Meanwhile, Maharashtra has recorded as many as 15,229 new cases of Coronavirus infections 307 deaths and 25,617 recoveries in the last 24 hours. The overall recovery rate in the state is 94.73 per cent and there are 2,04,974 active cases at the moment.