Maharashtra: It is the last day when people of Maharashtra can use plastic bags as the government has imposed a ban on the same starting Saturday. The ban is going to leave a huge impact on Mumbai and whole of Maharashtra. The government has also decided to impose a fine of Rs 5,000 on someone who is caught using plastic bags.

Anyone who is caught using plastic bags for second time will be fined Rs10,000 and if the same person is caught using it for the third time, he will be fined with Rs25,000 and could also face jail for three months.

BMC appoints 250 inspectors:

Water logging is a common problem in Mumbai during rains, and plastic bags lead to clogging of the water vents, which leads to logging. Therefore Mumbai civic body has hired 250 inspectors to ensure the practice of banning plastic is in place and no one violates the rules. It is the first time in the country that such a strict ban is being put in place against the use of plastic.

BMC to exhibit tomorrow:

To spread awareness among common man, BMC is set to put an exhibition on Saturday. In this exhibition, the people will be educated on what can be used in place of plastic.

Traders oppose the law:

The plastic producers and common retail traders are opposing the ban. They believe this would serious affect their business. On the other hand, most of the people are welcoming the law. The pressure on factories that produce paper has increased after the ban.