In its letter to the Election Commission, the rebel NCP faction mentioned that Ajit Pawar was the national president of the party and not Sharad Pawar, sources told ABP News. Ajit Pawar, who has said he has the backing of more than 35 MLAs, also staked claim to the Nationalist Congress Party name and party symbol.

"A resolution dated June 30, 2023, signed by overwhelming majority of members of NCP, both from the legislative and organisational wing was passed thereby electing Ajit Anantrao Pawar as the President of NCP," states the affidavit filed with the Election Commission of India by the Ajit Pawar faction.

The Election Commission has also received a caveat from Jayant Patil, who is with the Sharad Pawar NCP faction, that they have initiated a disqualification process against the nine MLAs who joined the Eknath Shinde-BJP-led Maharashtra government last Sunday.

Interestingly, Ajit Pawar had earlier stated that Sharad Pawar would remain NCP's national president. When questioned by a reporter on who will be the NCP's national president after the split in the party, Ajit Pawar shot back, saying, "Have you forgotten that Sharad Pawar is the party's national president?"

Reacting to Ajit Pawar's move of approaching the Election Commission, Sharad Pawar, addressing a meeting at Chavan Centre, said that the NCP poll symbol of the clock would remain with him and no one can snatch it.

"The party symbol is with us, it is not going anywhere. The people and party workers who brought us to power are with us," Sharad Pawar, who founded the NCP two decades ago, said.

READ | Maharashtra Political Crisis: Ajit Pawar Stakes Claim To NCP's Name And Clock Symbol

On Wednesday, the two factions held separate meetings with their MLAs in Mumbai in what was a platform to showcase their strength.

As many as 32 of 53 NCP MLAs were present at the party meeting convened by Ajit Pawar at Bhujbal Knowledge City in suburban Bandra. On the other hand, around 10 MLAs attended the meeting called by Sharad Pawar.

Addressing the workers who attended the meeting, Ajit Pawar, in a swipe at his uncle, said it was time for him to retire.

"You portrayed me as a villain in front of everyone. I still have deep respect for him (Sharad Pawar)...But you tell me, IAS officers retire at 60...even in politics - BJP leaders retire at 75. You can see the example of LK Advani and Murli Manohar Joshi. But you are 83, aren't you going to stop? Give us your blessings and we will pray that you live a long life," ANI quoted the Deputy CM as saying.

He also blamed Sharad Pawar for NCP losing out on the chance to have a chief minister in 2004. "We had more MLAs than Congress in 2004, but our senior leader allowed Congress to bag the CM's post," he said.