New Delhi: Coming down heavily on BJP and Ajit Pawar, Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut alleged that the new Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar has "back-stabbed" the people of the state and Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Raut, who was spearheading the media fantasy of a NCP-Sena-Congress dream government in Maharashtra, said, "Shiv Sena and Sharad Pawar have got nothing to do with this. Sharad Pawar had no information. Ajit Pawar's place is inside Arthur Road Jail and now he will be deputy CM. What happens in dead of night is evil."

He also claimed that Ajit's body language during last night's meeting was also such that it roused suspicion. "We had an inkling of some such developments since Ajit Pawar never looked us in the eye in our series of meetings... Even Sharad Pawar had harboured some doubts when his nephew (Ajit Pawar) had suddenly quit his Assembly seat just before the October elections," Raut said.

Watch | Ajit Pawar has committed a sin and insulted Shivaji Maharaj: Sanjay Raut

He accused Ajit Pawar of betraying a senior leader like Sharad Pawar who was kept in the dark of all decisions by his nephew. Raut said that Ajit Pawar had stayed with the leaders of Shiv Sena-Nationalist Congress Party and Congress till very late on Friday and everything appeared to be normal.

However, hours later the fast-paced developments took place, stunning political circles, which the Sena MP termed as the BJP "cheating the people of Maharashtra".

Raut added that Sena President Uddhav Thackeray and NCP President Sharad Pawar will hold a meeting later in the day to discuss the issues in detail. Meanwhile, most top leaders of all the three parties remained incommunicado as the ramifications of the changed political scenario sank in.