New Delhi: Maharashtra PWD Minister Ashok Chavan is reported to have tested Covid-19 positive. According to reports the minister who has been frequently travelling between Mumbai and his home district in Marathawada, contracted the virus a few days ago. He is also said to be asymptomatic. Chavan had been admitted to a hospital in Nanded but he chose to leave for Mumbai for treatment and quarantine. He had been under home quarantine for the last few days.

Earlier, the NCP leader and Housing Minister Jitendra Awhad had tested positive for coronavirus. He made a full recovery after spending weeks in the hospital. The minister had gone into self-quarantine after his close aide had become coronavirus positive. He was the first minister in the state to have tested positive for the virus.

Maharashtra has turned into the epicenter of coronavirus in India and is leading in the number of coronavirus cases. The state now has a total of 50231 and 1635 deaths. According to a report, it recorded the highest single-day jump on Sunday with 3,041 new cases. The total number of coronavirus cases in India rose to 138845 and India is now among the top 10 countries with the highest number of coronavirus cases.  The number of coronavirus cases saw an increase for the fourth consecutive day and 6000 new cases were reported in 24 hours. There were 154 fresh fatalities and the death toll has also increased to 4021. The Health Ministry maintains that the recovery rate in India remains high and according to data 57720 have recovered from the disease.

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(with additional inputs from agencies)