MUMBAI: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Friday predicted heavy rains in most parts of Maharashtra from Saturday, which is likely to continue till Monday. In a forecast issued here, the IMD said there would be widespread rainfall activity on Saturday, Sunday and Monday in Konkan, Madhya Maharashtra and Marathwada.
There could be slight variations in the intensity, but there would be good spells of showers, it added. However, Vidarbha region would get scattered rainfall in some pockets over the next four days, the department said.
The south-west monsoon Thursday reached parts of south Konkan, Goa and South-Madhya Maharashtra.
According to IMD officials, in the last 24 hours, isolated parts of Goa and Konkan received heavy rains, whereas parts of central Maharashtra and Marathwada received moderate
rainfall. Moderate to heavy rainfall is expected in Pune and neighbourhood on Sunday, they said.
Meanwhile, the Maharashtra government Friday evening issued an advisory to caution about the increased activity in the Arabian sea.
"There will be thunderstorms followed by heavy spells of rain over Madhya Maharashtra and Marathwada...Farmers are advised not to rush with sowing if there isn't enough moisture," it said.
There is going to be a break in monsoon after June 26. Hence, farmers should take a decision only after the rains revive following the dry spell, the government said.
Maharashtra: Heavy rains predicted in most parts from Saturday
Updated at:
21 Jun 2019 10:16 PM (IST)
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Friday predicted heavy rains in most parts of Maharashtra from Saturday, which is likely to continue till Monday.
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