The Maharashtra government on Friday established new set of guidelines to stop honour murders, "khap panchayat" diktats, mob violence, and other forms of violence and has instructed the Director General of Police to inform staff members throughout the state force of their execution, according to an official, news agency PTI reported.
The regulations, which were referenced in a government resolution (GR) released on Thursday, are in line with the Supreme Court's advice on the subject, he said.
According to the GR, police stations all throughout Maharashtra are to be on high alert in case an inter-caste or inter-religious marriage occurs inside their domains.
Additionally, it stipulated that "khap panchayat" and such organisations should be notified to district and police authorities, and that law enforcement officials should contact the members of these groups to inform them that such gatherings are illegal under the law.
According to the GR, local police must be vigilant and, if necessary, forbid such meetings. If a meeting is held in defiance of a ban, the deputy superintendent of police must be present, and participants must be informed that no decision should be made that would be detrimental to the offending couple or their relatives.
The resolution further said that police would be expected to record any such meetings, and anybody found to have made decisions in violation of the guidelines would be subject to being charged with a crime.
According to the GR, prohibitory orders under section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) should be issued, participants should be detained, and the meeting of a khap panchayat or other similar organisation should be stopped if it cannot be legally prohibited and there is a chance that the couple's lives are in danger.
Protection for the couple and their family would be one of the corrective actions, in addition to arrests under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
If threats are made against the couple or their family, the district magistrate, police commissioner, or superintendent should treat them delicately. They should also determine whether the couple is an adult so that, if necessary, they may be assisted in having their marriage legally recognised.
According to the GR, local authorities must look into complaints from the couple regarding threats they have received from family members, community members, and organisations resembling khap panchayats. A report must be submitted within a week, and those who threatened the couple must be charged under section 151 of the Criminal Procedure Code.
Punitive action, including departmental investigation under service regulations, may be taken against police personnel who intentionally violate these standards or do so negligently.
"To stop mob violence and lynching, police have been asked to train rapid action force teams in each districts. Water cannons and tear gas should be used to control mobs. Attackers at the site should be immediately arrested," the resolution stressed, PTI reported.
The GR specified that the leaders or office-bearers of the group shall appear for questioning in the police station within 24 hours if a demonstration by the group or organisation ended in violence and property loss. If they do not, they will be deemed absconders and will be subject to legal action.
(With Inputs From PTI)