Mumbai: In an exclusive interview with ABP Majha, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief Sharad Pawar on Tuesday dismissed all reports on the weakening of the coalition government of Shiv Sena, NCP and Congress in Maharashtra. Sharad Pawar met Governor Bhagat Singh Koshiyari on Monday. After this meeting, speculations started gaining ground regarding internal rows in the coalition government. In the interview Sharad Pawar clarified that there is no threat to the government in the state.

What has Sharad Pawar said?

Sharad Pawar has said in a special conversation with ABP Majha, the affiliate channel of ABP News, "Uddhav Thackeray's government is stable. The Congress and NCP are with the government. There is no threat to the government."

Earlier during the day, Shiv Sena spokesperson Sanjay Raut also tweeted and said that there is no threat to the government.

Sanjay Raut stated there is nothing to worry and the government is strong.

Sanjay Raut tweeted, "Sharad Pawar and Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray met in Matoshree yesterday evening. Discussions were held between the two leaders for about one and a half hour. If someone is spreading the news about the stability of the government, then it should be considered a stomach ache. The government is strong. No worries. Jai Maharashtra ''

It is noteworthy that Narayan Rane also met the Governor yesterday before Sharad Pawar.

Narayan Rane calls for the imposition of President's rule

Significantly, before Sharad Pawar, former chief minister Narayan Rane also met the Governor yesterday. Narayan Rane said, "This government cannot do anything, it cannot save people's lives." The government is failing. This government does not have the ability to cope with Corona. Therefore, there should be President's rule in the state. "After meeting Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari, Rane has also spoken about inviting the army.