The 23-year-old girl has been identified as Rupali Meshram, a resident of Usgaon village of Sakoli Taluka in Bhandara district of Maharashtra. She was inside her house doing her household chores when she heard her goat bleating.
Alarmed, she rushed outside to find that a tiger was eyeing her goat.
Without even batting an eye, the girl immediately lifted a stick lying nearby and started attacking the beast to save her goat.
The tiger then reportedly lurched back to pounce on the girl, but she was rescued in the mean time by her mother, who pulled her inside the house.
Both the mother and daughter received minor injuries. The goat however could not be saved.
They then called the forest guard, but the tiger had left before they arrived.
The mother –daughter duo received medical treatment at the hospital, where the doctor said that they were fortunate that the tiger did not bite them.
An organisation that works for women empowerment shared the selfie that the girl took after fighting the tiger.