Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Monday said that he will visit Gadchiroli district after three Naxalites, including a dalam commander, were killed in an encounter with police the previous day. He thanked the C60 force of Maharashtra Police for the action and that he will go to both the South and North areas today and will stay there.

"Continuously our C-60 jawans and forces are showing great bravery, and we can develop Gadchiroli. Today I am going there. I will go to both the South and North areas and will stay there. It is very important for the development of Gadchiroli that law is established there," Fadnavis said, as quoted by news agency ANI.

The exchange of fire took place around 7 pm in the Kedmara forest of the district, Gadchiroli Superintendent of Police (SP) Neelotpal told news agency PTI.

He said that the police had received information that members of Perimili and Aheri dalams of Naxalites were camping in a forest area between Mane Rajaram and Perimili armed outpost.

"Following the tip-off, two units of the C-60 Force of the police were sent from Pranhita to conduct a search operation in the jungle area. During the search operation, the Naxalites opened fire on police, following which the latter retaliated," he said.

After the exchange of fire, the bodies of three male Naxalites were recovered from the spot along with weapons and other materials, the senior officer added, as per PTI.

It was further informed that as per the primary probe, one of the deceased was identified as Bitlu Madavi, a commander of Perimili Dalam, while two others were identified as Vasu of Perimili Dalam and Srikant of Aheri Dalam.

Madavi was a prime accused in the murder of student Sainath Narote on March 9 this year along with two incidents of arson of road construction equipment at Visamundi and Alenga that occurred in February and March, SP Neelotpal said.