New Delhi: A 51-year-old Covid-19 patient in Mumbai has been booked for escaping the hospital where he had been admitted for treatment.  According to a report in Mumbai Mirror, the man who escaped from Nair Hospital, Mumbai Central, travelled in two vehicles in an attempt to reach his home in Bhiwandi.

The report says that on April 22, the man was admitted at Indira Gandhi Hospital (Bhiwandi) at 4 am but he had to be transferred to Nair hospital at 4 pm the same day as he had kidney issues and required dialysis. During this time he was accompanied by his niece who was later sent to a quarantine facility in Bhiwandi.

The report says that police found the man escaped from Nair Hospital and the next day (April 23) around 6.30 pm was found at Indira Gandhi hospital. The hospital identified the man and readmitted him there to prevent any further spread of the virus and informed the Shanti Nagar police regarding the matter.

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When enquired, Nair hospital informed that they had alerted Agripada police. It was discovered that the man fled from the hospital due to fear.

The police have registered a case against the patient under sections 269 (negligent act likely to spread infectious diseases dangerous to life) and 270 (malignant act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to life) of the Indian Penal Code 51(b) (punishment for obstruction) of the Disaster Management Act 2005 and the sections of the Epidemic Diseases Act. Maharashtra has become an epicentre for the coronavirus with around 8590 confirmed cases.