Maharashtra Chief Minister and Shiv Sena leader Eknath Shinde on Saturday arrived at Lucknow. He along with other Shiv Sena MPs and MLAs will be embarking on the tour of Ayodhya where they will offer prayers to Lord Ram on Sunday, news agency ANI reported.
Its a fresh move by Shiv Sena faction led by Shinde to muscle into the proprietary claim made by the Uddhav Thackeray faction on the Shiv Sena founder Balasaheb's political legacy.
It would be Shinde's first visit to Ayodhya since becoming Maharashtra chief minister in June 2022, and the Election Commission recognising his group as Shiv Sena and giving it the "bow and arrow" electoral emblem.
"This is not a political visit, I keep visiting Ayodhya but this is the first time I've come here as a CM. All party leaders wanted to take blessings from Lord Ram. I want to thank Yogi ji & his ministers who were present here to welcome us," Shinde stated.
Shinde will go from Lucknow to Ayodhya on Sunday afternoon to perform a'maha aarti' with others at the under-construction Ram temple and then at the Sharayu River in the evening. He will also pay a visit to the Ram temple building site and hold a news conference in Ayodhya on Sunday afternoon. According to his advisers, he will return to Mumbai on Sunday night.
The Shiv Sena has practically reserved all of the hotels, guest houses, and dharamshalas to host Shiv Sena ministers, MPs, and MLAs.
The chief minister told reporters at the Mumbai airport that he will answer to criticism of his Ayodhya visit via his work. “It is good that because of our work, those who never ventured out of their homes are going out to meet people,” he said.
“Ayodhya is a matter of faith for us. I thank PM Modi for expediting the construction of Ram temple,” he further stated.
Shinde and his supporters conducted a "gratitude visit" to the Kamakhya temple in Guwahati in November 2022.
Meanwhile, Nationalist Congress Party leader Ajit Pawar has criticised the "publicity" surrounding Shinde's Ayodhya visit, as well as the constant media updates on the latter's agenda there.
Speaking with media, he stated: "When I offer prayers anywhere, I do not create such publicity. The chief minister is visiting there to seek blessings."
(With Inputs From Agencies)