Aurangabad, Maharashtra: Violence broke out after two groups clashed over an argument during a normal conversation at a food stall on Friday night. The incident was followed by setting 40 shops and around 50 vehicles on fire; which resulted in panic situation among the locals.The incident has claimed 2 lives.


  • Internet services suspended in Maharashtra's Aurangabad

  • Police deployed in Maharashtra's Aurangabad after clash between two groups last night. Section 144 (prohibits assembly of more than 4 people in an area) has been imposed in the city.

As per sources, one person has lost his life during the clashes.

As per the police officials, an argument broke out between two groups during the day time at a food joint. This was followed by exchange of WhatsApp messages, phone calls and violent posts. Thereafter, around 12 am, two groups stepped out of their houses, pelted stones at each other and thereafter torched shops and vehicles.

The security has been beefed up in the area to avoid any further violence. Also, section 144 has been imposed so that people do not assemble at a place.

The security forces have also urged people to not share any violent messages on any platform.

Speaking on the issue, state Home Minister appealed to "maintain peace and urged to not believe in rumours".  He also asserted that two people have lost their lives and several have been injured. He also said that many police officials have been injured during the clashes.