Mumbai: Maharashtra Energy Minister Nitin Raut said that the latest call by the Prime Minister to switch off lights and light candles and diyas at 9 pm can affect ‘power grids’ and emergency services. “If all lights are switched off at once it might lead to failure of grid. All our emergency services will fail, and it might take a week's time to restore power." According to him if everyone switches off the lights together it can lead to a huge difference in demand and supply.

“As there is a lockdown, the demand has already decreased from 23,000 megawatts to 13,000 megawatts as factory units are not operating. Switching off the lights at the time will lead to a blackout that is likely to affect emergency services. It would take us at least 12-16 hours to restore services. Electricity is a major tool during this COVID-19 crisis," he said. Power grids distribute electricity after it is generated in powerhouses. Through grids it electricity reaches every consumer in different parts of the country. Any sudden fluctuation to the demand in electricity can cause a difference in power load and cause an outage of grids. Raut urged citizens to light candles and diyas without turning off the lights.

The Prime Minister in his video message on Friday asked citizens to fight the darkness of coronavirus pandemic by switching off lights for nine minutes at 9 pm and lighting lamps and diyas as a symbolic gesture of collective resilience.  After the message, Power minister R.K. Singh had a meeting with Power Grid Corporation Ltd and other agencies regarding steps to avert any disruption in power supply and clarified that they are ready for any fluctuations.

The opposition has criticised the PMs message to the nation.  While Congress minister Prem Chandra Mishra called it ‘another gimmick’, the Communist Party of India (CPI) said that what people need more are scientific measures such as vaccines, medicines and other immediate health projects to fight the deadly virus.