Following reports of eight individuals allegedly experiencing side effects after undergoing cataract surgery at a hospital in Indore last month, local authorities have taken action by sealing the hospital's operation theatre and launching an investigation, officials disclosed on Sunday.

As per a PTI report, officials indicated that it's currently uncertain whether these patients have suffered permanent vision loss, and a clearer picture will emerge once the investigation concludes.

Contrarily, a managing trustee of the hospital refuted claims of negligence, asserting that the eight patients experienced a "reaction" in their eyes due to unknown factors. According to the trustee, all affected individuals received the necessary treatment and were subsequently discharged.

 Committee To Look Into Cases Of 'Side-Effects' After Cataract Surgery

To investigate the matter further, the local administration has formed a three-member committee tasked with probing the root cause of the side effects experienced by the patients, stated Dr. Pradeep Goyal, manager of the District Blindness Control Society, PTI reported.

The cataract surgeries were conducted on 79 patients on March 20 at Choithram Netralaya in Madhya Pradesh, funded by the government under the National Programme for Control of Blindness, Dr. Goyal added.

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Post-surgery, the hospital management notified the health department about the adverse effects observed in the eyes of eight patients, he further said. "It is very difficult to tell right now whether the eight patients who underwent the cataract surgery have lost their eyesight or not. The situation will become clear only after the investigation is completed," the official further added.

Furthermore, the hospital's operation theatre where the cataract surgeries took place has been sealed off as part of the precautionary measures, the official confirmed.

Ashwini Verma, the managing trustee of Choithram Nethralaya, emphasised that there was no negligence on the part of the hospital during the cataract surgery camp. Verma clarified that the affected patients, hailing from various districts within the Indore division, experienced eye reactions due to unknown causes and were discharged after receiving appropriate medical care.