Mumbai: Filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar said veteran actor Sridevi's demise is a sensitive issue and urged people to not speculate her cause of death considering about her family and children.

Bhandarkar said it is a relief that Dubai police has closed the case and added that one should look into the larger perspective.

"People should stop speculating and analysing. They must look into the sensitivity of the case, especially when kids and family is there. Today industry is very happy that finally the mortal remains will come back tonight," he stated.

Recalling her as a versatile and iconic actor, the filmmaker added that her death will create big void in the film industry.

The mortal remains of veteran actress Sridevi were brought to Mumbai from Dubai on Tuesday late evening. Members of the Kapoor family, led by actor Anil Kapoor, brother-in-law of the actress, were at the airport to receive the body.

The last rites of the 54-year-old will be conducted on Wednesday.

Condolences and the last respects to the actress will be paid at Celebrations Sports club in Mumbai between 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. The cremation ceremony will take place at Vile Parle's Seva Samaj Crematorium and Hindu Cemetery from 3:30 pm onwards.