Lucknow: A three-storey building collapsed in Ganeshganj area here on late Thursday in the wake of incessant rains. The incident has claimed a life of a young girl Aashi Mishra and has severely injured her mother. Both were present alone in the house as the son was in school and the woman’s husband was out for some work.

The incident took place at 8:45 pm on Thursday evening.

The injured woman was rushed to the hospital, where she is being treated.

The police are now trying to remove the rubble, but as per sources no more people are there under the rubble.

As per sources, there were orders from the Municipal corporation to demolish the building.

The sources also tell that it was a controversial building which had a tenant issue going on, hence people had kept their houses locked. But the victim family’s financial condition wasn’t good enough to find a new house.

More details on the same are awaited.