Congress leader Jyotiraditya Scindia is also going to take charge of UP East along with Priyanka, as ordered by Rahul. “UP is central to building a new hope-filled & compassionate India. The new UP AICC team lead by Priyanka & Jyotiraditya, will herald the dawn of a new kind of politics in the state. We will offer the youth in UP a dynamic new platform to transform the state” Rahul said in a tweet.
Addressing a public meeting in Salon area in Amethi on the second day of his visit to his parliamentary constituency, Gandhi said the Congress will fight the coming Lok Sabha polls with full strength.
Rahul Gandhi termed himself, his sister and mother Sonia Gandhi as soldiers for the people of the constituency.
"Priyanka and Scindia have been given a target. That is to form a Congress government in Uttar Pradesh in the next election by defeating and wiping out the BJP," the Congress president said. Along with Priyanka Gandhi, Jyotiraditya Scindia was made incharge of UP West.
While Rahul Gandhi won the 2014 parliamentary elections from Amethi, his mother Sonia Gandhi is an MP from adjacent Rae Bareli. Priyanka Gandhi had until now confined herself to electioneering in the constituencies of her brother and mother.
Both fall under the turf carved out for Priyanka Gandhi. Narendra Modi's Varanasi constituency and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's bastion Gorakhpur are also in eastern UP.