Lok Sabha Elections 2019: Delhi Police on Sunday registered an FIR under IPC Section 323 (Punishment for voluntarily causing hurt) against Suresh, who had slapped CM Arvind Kejriwal during a roadshow in Moti Nagar area yesterday. Earlier the police said, the AAP supporter had slapped Delhi Chief Minister because he was dissatisfied with the behaviour of the party leaders.

Kejriwal was atop an open jeep when 33-year-old Suresh jumped onto the vehicle and slapped the chief minister before being pulled off the jeep. Delhi police said that preliminary interrogation has revealed that Suresh, a scrap dealer in the area, was a supporter of the party and he used to work as organiser of its rallies and meetings. According to Suresh, over time he got disenchanted due to behaviour of party leaders and he was angered further due to the party's "distrust in the armed forces", the police said.

This was not the first time that Arvind Kejriwal was assaulted during his roadshows or gatherings. In November, 2018, a man smeared chilli powder on Kejriwal's face.The incident happened inside Delhi Secretariat.

Kejriwal has also been heckled and physically assaulted a lot of times. In February 2016, some people attacked Arvind Kejriwal's car with iron rods and sticks in Punjab's Ludhiana. A month before, a member of the Aam Aadmi Army, Arjun Arora, had thrown ink at Kejriwal.

During the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, some people threw eggs and ink at Kejriwal and other leaders of the AAP when he was campaigning in Varanasi constituency.