Lok Sabha elections 2019: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Sunday has released a list of committees and their heads from the party in preparation for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections next year. The 20-member list was released by BJP president Amit Shah today who formed 17 groups, in which he appointed Rajnath Singh president of 'sankalp patra' (manifesto) committee, while Arun Jaitley was given to lead publicity wing for 2019 Lok Sabha polls.

Union ministers Nirmala Sitharaman, Ravi Shankar Prasad, Piyush Goyal and Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, and former Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shiraj Singh Chouhan are the other members of the committee tasked with preparing the party's manifesto. Jaitley will also be a member of this committee, according to the statement.

Union minister Nitin Gadkari will head a committee which will reach out to social and volunteer organisations while his Cabinet colleague Sushma Swaraj will head a group that will produce literature for the polls,

Prasad will head the party's media group while Union minister Prakash Javadekar will lead the wing which will organise meetings of intellectuals. The Lok Sabha polls are expected to be held in April-May with the BJP under Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking a re-election.