Srinagar: Amid continuous lockdown across Jammu and Kashmir, the government on Saturday said that fresh guidelines is being formulated and will be issued on June 8. Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir, P K Pole said that the future course has not been decided yet, but a new guideline is being framed.

He said that the guidelines will be made public on June 8, when the ongoing phase of lockdown will come to an end in Jammu and Kashmir. “The fresh guidelines will be compiled till Monday following which it will be made public,” he said.

About Amarnath Yatra, the Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir said the government said that the final call in this regard has to be taken by the Shrine Board.

“The shrine board will have to take a final call regarding the Amarnath Yatra keeping in view of the prevalent situation due to Coronavirus outbreak,” he said. Some reports state that this year's annual Amarnath Yatra to the Himalayan cave shrine will be of 15 days duration beginning on July 21 and ending on August 3.

This was stated by the officials of the Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board (SASB) that manages the affairs of the Yatra to the cave shrine situated at 3,880 metres above the sea level in J&K's Anantnag district. The 'Pratham Puja' for the Yatra was held on Friday.

As per the guidelines, except for the Sadhus, only pilgrims below 55 years of age will be allowed. All those undertaking the Yatra must possess Covid-19 negative certificates.

A total of 143 more Coronavirus cases were reported in Jammu and Kashmir on Saturday, taking total such patients to 3,467.

With the recovery of 1,126 patients, active cases in Jammu and Kashmir now total 2,302, of which 1,646 are in Kashmir division and 656 in Jammu division.

The new cases included 43 from Jammu division and 100 from Kashmir division, Information and Public Relations Department said. With three more patients succumbing to corona infection, the death toll in J&K totalled 39.