NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday expressed his confidence and said that people will give him opportunity to serve the country again. Modi was interacting with people throughout the country via video conferencing from Talkotra Stadium here.

"Once again, the people of the country are going to give us the opportunity to serve the country," Modi said while addressing Main Bhi Chowkidar programme. He added that the people of the country do not need the "king" but they are liking the "Chowkidar" nowadays.

He said the watchman is not an identity recognised by a uniform but watchman is a spirit. "I had said my effort would be not to allow the public money to be clawed in. As a watchman I will discharge my responsibility," Modi said.

Highlights of PM Modi's speech

  • In the form of a chowkidar, I will fulfill my responsibility. But, some people have a small mind who have a stereotyped image of a chowkidar. This is the result of their narrow mind.

  • 125 crore people of India have placed so much trust in me, so much strength that now, I don't look back at all.

  • Chowkidar is a spirit. It is a feeling. Gandhi ji said that we have to use our resources as a trustee. His words and ideologies guide us even today. Chowkidar is a representation of his ideologies and principles.

  • The populace of the country doesn't need Rajas and Maharajas. This is why I'm happy that the feeling of chowkidar is expanding within me. I bow down to those who have joined this movement, this feeling of chowkidar.

  • In 2014, the people trusted and gave the opportunity to serve the nation. Since assuming the new responsibility, I have tried my best to protect nation's wealth from the corrupt.

  • Everyone has his or her priorities. But let us decide that nation has to be our topmost priority.

  • I did not do Balakote. Our jawans did it.

  • India salutes our brave security forces for successful operations in Balakot. I have complete trust in our forces and that is why, I gave our forces a free hand to act.

  • I decided, that the battleground will be theirs, the fight on terrorism will be taken to where it started.

  • Pakistan has started opening airspace after air strikes, believing Modi is busy with elections but country more important for me.

  • Pakistan in fix because if it acknowledges Balakot air strikes, it will have to accept that there was terror camp there. We've been told Balakot area is being reconstructed by Pakistan to show people that no terror camp existed.

  • Elections aren't a priority for me, the country is. The sad part is, people who are against Modi are supporting the Pakistan narrative in their effort to speak against me.

  • Since 2014, we have been acting tough on corruption. Due to our efforts in the right direction, the corrupt are now facing the heat.

  • Our principle has been to reward honesty. From the very first day, we ensured that honest taxpayers do not face any difficulty. I promise to the countrymen that those involved in scams, would be punished.

  • When 130 crore Indians decide to take the nation to new heights, no force can stop India from becoming a developed nation.

  • With success of Mission Shakti, our scientists have achieved a great feat. Till now only three countries had such a capability. It is due to our scientists that India has entered the elite club of space power.

  • Congress' lies are seasonal When there were elections in Delhi, they came up with the topic of 'intolerance'. When there were elections in Bihar, their topic was - 'Modi will take back all forms of reservations'. Then there was the concept of 'award wapsi'.

  • The first time voters must be encouraged even more. Every first time voter must realize that yes, today I have reached a stage, where I can have a say in the country's decision making process.

  • We must be well aware of fake promises that several political parties are making these days. Therefore, I urge people to minutely examine everything some parties are saying.